A Dad's Blog

The public ramblings of a dad.

7th October ’23 – Jabs & Pies

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I had a flu jab today. I suspect I shouldn’t be getting them for free but if my doctor wants to invite me, I’m not going to turn it down. I used to qualify for such things as a carer and I guess they haven’t changed their database now that I’m not. I have had proper full blown flu in the past and it isn’t any fun.

Kim (she, her, him, guess) came for dinner which was a bit hurriedly planned so I had to improvise from the freezer. That came down to making a couple of individual fish pies (pastry not potato). I invented an easy peasy method for doing pies which I haven’t seen anywhere else but I doubt I’m the only one who does it this way.

Go here for how to do the pie crusts.